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Compute factor scores


  psi = NULL,
  nu = NULL,
  alpha = NULL,
  method = c("regression", "Bartlett"),
  center_y = TRUE,
  acov = FALSE,
  fs_matrices = FALSE



An N x p matrix where each row is a response vector. If there is only one observation, it should be a matrix of one row.


A p x q matrix of factor loadings.


A p x p matrix of unique variance-covariances.


A q x q matrix of latent factor variance-covariances.


A vector of length p of measurement intercepts.


A vector of length q of latent means.


A character string indicating the method for computing factor scores. Currently, only "regression" is supported.


Logical indicating whether y should be mean-centered. Default to TRUE.


Logical indicating whether the asymptotic covariance matrix of factor scores should be returned as an attribute.


Logical indicating whether covariances of the error portion of factor scores (fsT), factor score loading matrix (\(L\); fsL) and intercept vector (\(b\); fsb) should be returned. The loading and intercept matrices are the implied loadings and intercepts by the model when using the factor scores as indicators of the latent variables. If TRUE, these matrices will be added as attributes.


An N x p matrix of factor scores.


fit <- cfa(" ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
             dem60 =~ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 ",
           data = PoliticalDemocracy)
fs_lavaan <- lavPredict(fit, method = "Bartlett")
# Using R2spa::compute_fscore()
est <- lavInspect(fit, what = "est")
fs_hand <- compute_fscore(lavInspect(fit, what = "data"),
                          lambda = est$lambda,
                          theta = est$theta,
                          psi = est$psi,
                          method = "Bartlett")
fs_hand - fs_lavaan  # same scores
#>       ind60 dem60
#>  [1,]     0     0
#>  [2,]     0     0
#>  [3,]     0     0
#>  [4,]     0     0
#>  [5,]     0     0
#>  [6,]     0     0
#>  [7,]     0     0
#>  [8,]     0     0
#>  [9,]     0     0
#> [10,]     0     0
#> [11,]     0     0
#> [12,]     0     0
#> [13,]     0     0
#> [14,]     0     0
#> [15,]     0     0
#> [16,]     0     0
#> [17,]     0     0
#> [18,]     0     0
#> [19,]     0     0
#> [20,]     0     0
#> [21,]     0     0
#> [22,]     0     0
#> [23,]     0     0
#> [24,]     0     0
#> [25,]     0     0
#> [26,]     0     0
#> [27,]     0     0
#> [28,]     0     0
#> [29,]     0     0
#> [30,]     0     0
#> [31,]     0     0
#> [32,]     0     0
#> [33,]     0     0
#> [34,]     0     0
#> [35,]     0     0
#> [36,]     0     0
#> [37,]     0     0
#> [38,]     0     0
#> [39,]     0     0
#> [40,]     0     0
#> [41,]     0     0
#> [42,]     0     0
#> [43,]     0     0
#> [44,]     0     0
#> [45,]     0     0
#> [46,]     0     0
#> [47,]     0     0
#> [48,]     0     0
#> [49,]     0     0
#> [50,]     0     0
#> [51,]     0     0
#> [52,]     0     0
#> [53,]     0     0
#> [54,]     0     0
#> [55,]     0     0
#> [56,]     0     0
#> [57,]     0     0
#> [58,]     0     0
#> [59,]     0     0
#> [60,]     0     0
#> [61,]     0     0
#> [62,]     0     0
#> [63,]     0     0
#> [64,]     0     0
#> [65,]     0     0
#> [66,]     0     0
#> [67,]     0     0
#> [68,]     0     0
#> [69,]     0     0
#> [70,]     0     0
#> [71,]     0     0
#> [72,]     0     0
#> [73,]     0     0
#> [74,]     0     0
#> [75,]     0     0