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R2spa 0.0.4

New Features

  • Add function get_fs_int() for estimating interaction effects in 2S-PA (#82).
  • Add computation of reliability function in get_fscore() (#81)
  • Add functions of obtaining tidy-ed factor scores data for get_fscore() (#79)


  • Add examples for get_fs_int() (#82).
  • Update naming for get_fscore() (#79)
    • Rename vc to ev (error variance-covariance) for better consistency

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug in the se_fs argument in tspa() (#90).


  • Updated vignettes for:
    • tspa-growth-vignette (#50)
    • get_fs_int-vignette (#82)
    • reliability (#81)
    • missing-data (#79)


  • General code clean-up (#82).

R2spa 0.0.3

  • Add function tspa_plot() for bivariate and residual plots (#23)

  • get_fs() gains argument corrected_fsT for computing corrected error estimates (#50)

  • New function vcov_corrected() for computing corrected SEs (#39)

  • New function get_fs_lavaan() for computing factor scores and relevant matrices directly from a lavaan output (#61)

  • Initial support for 2S-PA with OpenMx with tspa_mx()

  • Update naming of relevant matrices when computing factor scores:

    • fsT: error covariance of factor scores
    • fsL: loading matrix of factor scores
    • fsb: intercepts of factor scores
    • scoring_matrix: weights for computing factor scores from items
  • New vignettes for:

    • Corrected error variance of factor scores (#50)
    • Corrected standard errors incorporating uncertainty in measurement parameters of factor scores (#39)
    • Using 2S-PA with EFA scores
    • Using 2S-PA with OpenMx and definition variables (PR #57)
    • Latent interaction with categorical indicators (#27)
    • Growth modeling
  • Better error messages for tspa() (#53)

  • Support mean structure and growth model (#36, #19)

  • Clean up code with lintr (#33)

R2spa 0.0.2

  • Use pkgdown to create website, with GitHub action (#22)

  • get_fs() now returns a list with multi-group models (#29).

  • New function grandStandardizedSolution() computes standardized solution based on grand mean and grand SD (#13).

  • tspa() gains argument vc and cross_loadings, which is useful for factor scores obtained from multi-factor models (#7). See vignette("multiple-factors").

R2spa 0.0.1

  • Work-In-Progress!

  • 0.0.1 version