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This vignette demonstrates how to use the compute_fscore() function to calculate factor scores based on exploratory factor analysis, and compare the results to those calculated by the psych::factor.scores() function.

data(bfi, package = "psych")
#> This is lavaan 0.6-18
#> lavaan is FREE software! Please report any bugs.
#> Attaching package: 'lavaan'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:psych':
#>     cor2cov

Example: Big Five Inventory

# Covariance (with FIML)
corr_bfi <- lavCor(bfi[1:25], missing = "fiml")
# EFA (Target rotation)
target_mat_bfi <- matrix(0, nrow = 25, ncol = 5)
target_mat_bfi[1:5, 1] <- NA
target_mat_bfi[6:10, 2] <- NA
target_mat_bfi[11:15, 3] <- NA
target_mat_bfi[16:20, 4] <- NA
target_mat_bfi[21:25, 5] <- NA
fa_target_bfi <- psych::fa(
    corr_bfi, n.obs = 2436,
    nfactors = 5,
    rotate = "targetQ", Target = target_mat_bfi,
    scores = "Bartlett")
#> Loading required namespace: GPArotation
# Factor correlations
fa_target_bfi$Phi |>
    (`[`)(paste0("MR", 1:5), paste0("MR", 1:5)) |>
    knitr::kable(digits = 2, caption = "EFA Factor Correlation")
EFA Factor Correlation
MR1 1.00 0.22 0.35 -0.07 0.15
MR2 0.22 1.00 0.27 -0.20 0.20
MR3 0.35 0.27 1.00 -0.20 0.16
MR4 -0.07 -0.20 -0.20 1.00 -0.01
MR5 0.15 0.20 0.16 -0.01 1.00
# Correlation with sum scores
bfi |>
    transform(A = (7 - A1) + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5,
           C = C1 + C2 + C3 + (7 - C4) + (7 - C5),
           E = (7 - E1) + (7 - E2) + E3 + E4 + E5,
           N = N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + N5,
           O = O1 + (7 - O2) + O3 + O4 + (7 - O5)) |>
    subset(select = A:O) |>
    cor(use = "complete") |>
    knitr::kable(digits = 2, caption = "Sum scores")
Sum scores
A 1.00 0.26 0.47 -0.19 0.14
C 0.26 1.00 0.27 -0.23 0.19
E 0.47 0.27 1.00 -0.23 0.22
N -0.19 -0.23 -0.23 1.00 -0.08
O 0.14 0.19 0.22 -0.08 1.00

Hand calculate the Bartlett scores using weights

# Bartlett score for first person
bscores <-
    psych::factor.scores(bfi[, 1:25], f = fa_target_bfi,
                         method = "Bartlett")
#>             MR4          MR3          MR2          MR1           MR5
#> A1  0.019379345  0.088570322  0.037984352 -0.192609241 -0.0446095141
#> A2  0.039471717 -0.058827607  0.016480405  0.387253874  0.0174635927
#> A3  0.038138482 -0.002491405 -0.018448555  0.443385489 -0.0008791950
#> A4  0.008949806 -0.011419400  0.074609038  0.196183077 -0.1058123616
#> A5 -0.007115326  0.064563350 -0.028894457  0.297710866 -0.0033648030
#> C1  0.025793549 -0.013945609  0.252251588 -0.025663593  0.0878936560
#> C2  0.067216606 -0.054276500  0.383692956  0.040736916  0.0208035616
#> C3  0.023175743 -0.039728147  0.266210191  0.042308787 -0.0532943534
#> C4  0.045093233  0.017707633 -0.349869186  0.042230966 -0.0202260355
#> C5  0.055608096 -0.047779140 -0.303202360  0.040826161  0.1037402597
#> E1  0.002492943 -0.234998207  0.069439907  0.033510757 -0.0074443287
#> E2  0.069816249 -0.398147198  0.017193600  0.096706957  0.0534356364
#> E3  0.025889788  0.192977816 -0.031642142  0.069479646  0.1645920884
#> E4 -0.004903761  0.315619052 -0.010031608  0.099826497 -0.1699081214
#> E5  0.034244648  0.197071361  0.128843720 -0.049763160  0.0903700702
#> N1  0.376489849  0.174004405  0.036365710 -0.153681565 -0.0900410369
#> N2  0.315648329  0.098517700  0.033517347 -0.103972896  0.0008553925
#> N3  0.274596160 -0.019282873 -0.009840675  0.065937424  0.0331731810
#> N4  0.182196509 -0.186091836 -0.069870228  0.123634306  0.1272479199
#> N5  0.144850775 -0.078929736  0.008603568  0.133251027 -0.0834902117
#> O1  0.007965717  0.045782965  0.014054766 -0.025087007  0.3135869739
#> O2  0.045459925  0.014231220 -0.021761255  0.082163004 -0.2754285178
#> O3  0.016818868  0.080919045 -0.024446602 -0.001049249  0.4783313815
#> O4  0.052204814 -0.121040967 -0.019643988  0.103037548  0.2512799168
#> O5  0.024318925  0.034957969  0.005514044  0.026713299 -0.3498465254
# Calculation by hand
y1 <- scale(bfi[, 1:25])[1, ]  # z-score
crossprod(fa_target_bfi$weights, as.matrix(y1))
#>             [,1]
#> MR4 -0.379596163
#> MR3  0.008672754
#> MR2 -1.662210036
#> MR1 -1.056626928
#> MR5 -2.263921509
# Compare to results from psych::fa()
bscores$scores[1, ]
#>          MR4          MR3          MR2          MR1          MR5 
#> -0.379596163  0.008672754 -1.662210036 -1.056626928 -2.263921509
# Covariance of Bartlett scores
cov(bscores$scores, use = "complete") |>
    (`[`)(paste0("MR", 1:5), paste0("MR", 1:5)) |>
    knitr::kable(digits = 2, caption = "With Bartlett scores")
With Bartlett scores
MR1 1.39 0.20 0.30 -0.06 0.13
MR2 0.20 1.35 0.28 -0.19 0.18
MR3 0.30 0.28 1.28 -0.22 0.14
MR4 -0.06 -0.19 -0.22 1.18 0.01
MR5 0.13 0.18 0.14 0.01 1.45

Using compute_fscore() and perform a two-stage analysis

Use R2spa::compute_fscore()

# Obtain error covariances
yc <- scale(bfi[, 1:25])
yc <- yc[complete.cases(yc), ]
lam <- fa_target_bfi$loadings
colnames(lam) <- c("N", "E", "C", "A", "O")
phi <- fa_target_bfi$Phi
th <- diag(fa_target_bfi$uniquenesses)
# # scoring weights
# a <- solve(crossprod(lam, solve(th, lam)), t(solve(th, lam)))
# ecov_fs <- a %*% th %*% t(a)
# dimnames(ecov_fs) <- rep(list(c("N", "E", "C", "A", "O")), 2)
# Two-stage analysis
bfi_fs <- compute_fscore(yc, lambda = lam, theta = th,
                         method = "Bartlett", center_y = FALSE,
                         fs_matrices = TRUE)
#>                 N            E           C           A          O
#> 61617 -0.37959616  0.008672754 -1.66221004 -1.05662693 -2.2639215
#> 61618  0.05502992  0.657251998 -0.81281047 -0.21048629 -0.3557784
#> 61620  0.66912918  0.351719435 -0.00993787 -0.96855007  0.3107586
#> 61621 -0.14122632 -0.048191450 -1.35947549  0.01849824 -1.5743464
#> 61622 -0.36044079  0.557318357 -0.07396380 -1.02840458 -1.0629543
#> 61623  0.18540827  1.461174698  1.82621364  0.11707095  0.5289163
# Scoring matrix
attr(bfi_fs, which = "scoring_matrix")
#>          [,1]        [,2]         [,3]         [,4]         [,5]        [,6]
#> N  0.01937935  0.03947172  0.038138482  0.008949806 -0.007115326  0.02579355
#> E  0.08857032 -0.05882761 -0.002491405 -0.011419400  0.064563350 -0.01394561
#> C  0.03798435  0.01648041 -0.018448555  0.074609038 -0.028894457  0.25225159
#> A -0.19260924  0.38725387  0.443385489  0.196183077  0.297710866 -0.02566359
#> O -0.04460951  0.01746359 -0.000879195 -0.105812362 -0.003364803  0.08789366
#>          [,7]        [,8]        [,9]       [,10]        [,11]       [,12]
#> N  0.06721661  0.02317574  0.04509323  0.05560810  0.002492943  0.06981625
#> E -0.05427650 -0.03972815  0.01770763 -0.04777914 -0.234998207 -0.39814720
#> C  0.38369296  0.26621019 -0.34986919 -0.30320236  0.069439907  0.01719360
#> A  0.04073692  0.04230879  0.04223097  0.04082616  0.033510757  0.09670696
#> O  0.02080356 -0.05329435 -0.02022604  0.10374026 -0.007444329  0.05343564
#>         [,13]        [,14]       [,15]       [,16]         [,17]        [,18]
#> N  0.02588979 -0.004903761  0.03424465  0.37648985  0.3156483287  0.274596160
#> E  0.19297782  0.315619052  0.19707136  0.17400440  0.0985176996 -0.019282873
#> C -0.03164214 -0.010031608  0.12884372  0.03636571  0.0335173471 -0.009840675
#> A  0.06947965  0.099826497 -0.04976316 -0.15368157 -0.1039728964  0.065937424
#> O  0.16459209 -0.169908121  0.09037007 -0.09004104  0.0008553925  0.033173181
#>         [,19]        [,20]        [,21]       [,22]        [,23]       [,24]
#> N  0.18219651  0.144850775  0.007965717  0.04545993  0.016818868  0.05220481
#> E -0.18609184 -0.078929736  0.045782965  0.01423122  0.080919045 -0.12104097
#> C -0.06987023  0.008603568  0.014054766 -0.02176125 -0.024446602 -0.01964399
#> A  0.12363431  0.133251027 -0.025087007  0.08216300 -0.001049249  0.10303755
#> O  0.12724792 -0.083490212  0.313586974 -0.27542852  0.478331381  0.25127992
#>          [,25]
#> N  0.024318925
#> E  0.034957969
#> C  0.005514044
#> A  0.026713299
#> O -0.349846525
# Error covariance
attr(bfi_fs, which = "fsT")
#>              fs_N         fs_E         fs_C        fs_A         fs_O
#> fs_N  0.169330114 -0.005940885  0.008966234  0.02689064  0.006632488
#> fs_E -0.005940885  0.267237548 -0.008256099 -0.06840869 -0.028478148
#> fs_C  0.008966234 -0.008256099  0.316471763 -0.01719329 -0.016556329
#> fs_A  0.026890643 -0.068408687 -0.017193295  0.34849177 -0.010843643
#> fs_O  0.006632488 -0.028478148 -0.016556329 -0.01084364  0.454791519

Recover factor covariances with 2S-PA

ts_fit <- tspa("",
               data = data.frame(bscores$scores) |>
                   setNames(c("fs_N", "fs_E", "fs_C", "fs_A", "fs_O")),
               fsT = attr(bfi_fs, which = "fsT"),
               fsL = diag(5) |>
                   `dimnames<-`(list(c("fs_N", "fs_E", "fs_C", "fs_A", "fs_O"),
                                     c("N", "E", "C", "A", "O"))))
lavInspect(ts_fit, what = "") |>
    (`[`)(c("A", "C", "E", "N", "O"), c("A", "C", "E", "N", "O")) |>
    knitr::kable(digits = 2, caption = "With Bartlett scores and 2S-PA")
With Bartlett scores and 2S-PA
A 1.00 0.21 0.36 -0.08 0.13
C 0.21 1.00 0.28 -0.20 0.19
E 0.36 0.28 1.00 -0.21 0.17
N -0.08 -0.20 -0.21 1.00 0.00
O 0.13 0.19 0.17 0.00 1.00